showing 22 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Boxshoot Chromasette? labelminimizeminimize
Maze Master author? labelminimizeminimize
Soooper Pac  Bear Bones Software? labelminimizeminimize
Doodle Bug Computerware1982Mama always said Lady Bugs were good & other bugs were bad. This fun arcade game agrees! In hi-res graphics, your lady bugs hussle through an intricate maze of barriers & turnstyles, trying to earn points by eating all the dots, letters, & hearts. Enemy bugs buzz after you! And you must avoid the skulls! Exquisite sound & graphics!
Ghost Gobbler  Microdeal;Spectral Associates (Spectral Associates)1982 labelimageminimize
Mega-Bug Tandy1982 labelimageminimize
Pac Droids  Programmer's Guild1982This changes up the Pac-Man formula a bit. Power pellets change the player's color and only the enemy with the same color can be eaten. And the player can shoot. But ammo is rare and shots will destroy everything in their path, color pellets, dots, bonuses, enemies, until they hit a wall. labelimageminimize
Scarfman Cornsoft Group1982 labelimageminimize
Flipper Anteco Software (Colorsoft)1983 labelimageminimize
Lode Runner author1983An unofficial port of the Apple ][ 6502 machine code to CoCo 6809 machine code. Nothing changed, merely translated. Everything is included, even the phosphor green monochrome mode. labelminimizeminimize
Return of the Jet-I  Thundervision1983 labelminimizeminimize
Cashman Computer Shack;Michtron1983This game has 45 unique and diverse levels. labelimageminimize
Crystle Castles  Thundervision1984 labelimageminimize
Mr. Dig Computerware;MicroDeal1984 labelimageminimize
Pit Fiend Pocket Money Software1984 labelminimizeminimize
Ruby Robba Blaby1984 labelminimizeminimize
Crocky Loriciels1984Requires 16K extension memory. labelimageminimize
Bouncing Boulders Diecom1986 labelminimizeminimize
Pacman Tandy (Microware)1986 labelminimizeminimize
Revenge of the Mutant Miners JR and JR Softstuff1989 labelminimizeminimize
Bouncy Ball 8BitCoder.com2016 labelminimizeminimize
Bouncy Ball 8BitCoder.com2016 labelminimizeminimize